Thursday, February 6, 2025

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Watch: New Footage From ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’ Revealed In Audi Ad For Some Reason

Avengers: Age Of UltronListen, I know that blockbusters cost hundreds of millions, and to offset those costs, sometimes you have to make some strange, corporate arrangements. But there’s a difference between seamlessly integrating those things into the fabric of the narrative, of stopping the entire movie, Michael Bay style, to show off a logo. So, I’m not sure exactly how Marvel and Audi are the perfect marriage, except in some executive boardroom, but a new ad features all kinds of new footage from "Avengers: Age Of Ultron." Synergy!

So the basic crux of this ad is that it marries the qualities of the expensive luxury vehicle with those of fictitious comic book superheroes. Again, it doesn’t make much sense to me, but maybe there is an audience of Marvel fans just dreaming to drive an Audi. Anyway, check it out below — there’s some "Ant-Man" footage at the end, too — followed by IMAX posters for ‘Ultron.’ See you on May 1st.

Avengers, IMAX postersAvengers, IMAX postersAvengers, IMAX postersAvengers, IMAX posters

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