Today is April Fool’s Day, a holiday marked by lots of unfunny and terrible jokes floating around the internet trying to gotcha people. This isn’t one of them. Instead, Seth Rogen, James Franco, Danny McBride and their pals have used April 1st to drop the trailer for the highly anticipated “Pineapple Express” sequel… okay, not really…
Instead, it’s a sorta sweded trailer that ultimately works as a pretty terrible/funny promo for the upcoming apocalypse comedy “This Is The End.” It’s pretty fun stuff all around. If you’re fans of these guys in general, it’s a nice 90-second goof that doesn’t oversell the joke or spend too much time on it (which many around the internet could learn). But not everyone rolls with Apatow gang, especially when they’re playing versions of themselves. In fact, Sony wasn’t very keen initially on the idea of “This Is The End” at all.
“The idea to let us play ourselves was a really hard thing [to sell]” Rogen said at a Wondercon panel this past weekend (via io9). “…it really rubbed everybody the wrong way in the studio world,” he added, saying that he and co-writer and co-director Evan Goldberg essentially lied to the studio by telling the bigwigs that they would shoot it so that the meta-concept could be edited out if need be. But test audiences gave the thumbs up to the premise, so in the end, Rogen and Goldberg’s vision won out.
Roll, puff and pass below. “This Is The End” hits on June 14th.