Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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“What Would Judd Have Done?”: Seth Rogen’s Inspiration For His ‘Funny People’ Character & More On The Endlessly Long DVD

Those who complained that the “Funny People” poster was dead boring and the reason the film didn’t really sing at the box-office, never saw the DVD cover. Woo, boy.

Anyhow, Trailer Addict (via /film) posted a behind the scenes clip and deleted scene from “Funny People” recently, in anticipation of the 2-disc unrated DVD, which streets today. Universal is even throwing their hat in the ring for Oscar with a “For Your Consideration” push for the film for Best Pic and Best Director.

Apparently all and all, the 2-disc DVD set adds six hours of material to “Funny People.” Uhh, wasn’t the film too long in the first place? Isn’t the sort of edition you only make for people who worked on the film as a present and thanks?

“I see these Blu-rays as the new comedy albums so, in addition to the movie, I’m thinking, ‘OK, well, what do we put on the Blu-ray? Maybe we can convince James Taylor to record a few extra songs and we can do a little mini-concert and maybe we can do some extra songs with Jon Brion and we can put those on the DVD and I’ll edit all the old phoney phone calls and we’ll make a documentary,” he told the Canadian Press (indeed the disc boasts a featurette described as “Music from Funny People: from and inspired by the film from James Taylor, Adam Sandler, Jon Brion and RZA.”

“I find it really exhilarating to always try to make the best DVD ever. And so with this I thought, ‘Let’s make the most comprehensive comedy film DVD that’s ever been made.’ ” It’s official: Apatow doesn’t know how to edit himself (as if you needed proof), the DVD also features a “Raaaaaaaandy!” mockumentary (spin-off green lit today!), The Films of George Simmons, and “Yo Teach” featurette (many details here).

The deleted scene is from Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen’s characters’ drive to San Francisco, wherein they discuss “Hellboy,” and some other stuff… unfortunately this writer lost interest halfway through. The thing about deleted scenes, is that they are deleted for a reason. ‘Funny People’ was a totally enjoyable film, and Judd Apatow‘s most mature work to date, Adam Sandler is great, but at 2 and a half hours running time, we’re glad this scene hit the cutting room floor. Here’s the embed if you’re so inclined.

Trailer Addict also posted a behind the scenes clip of the sexytime pool scene, and Seth Rogen interviewing that he based a lot of his awkward character on “what I imagine Judd to have been like at 19” and that he often thought “what would Judd have done?” when trying to work out the goofy character he plays (especially when he fails miserably trying to hit on a girl in the aforementioned scene). That’s an interesting tidbit- we thought Seth Rogen was just playing Seth Rogen. He and Apatow certainly are cut from the same cloth. Clip below:

Another deleted scene comes from Maxim where Seth Rogen goes on about “ball cleavage” which sounds vaguely familiar. Was this in the credits or something? Maxim also have one of those shitty, shitty homegrown players that you can’t tweak or expand to suit your needs so it’ll look a little fucked up. Stupid lad mag.

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