Tindersticks Score Claire Denis' '35 Rhums'

Velvety noir rock band The Tindersticks have composed the score to Claire Denis’ “35 Rhums.” Currently playing at the Venice Film Festival and soon to make its North American premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, translated into English the title is “35 Shots of Rum,” which is rather fitting considering the brooding, dark hush of the British band generally suited for stiff-drink barroom imbibing during the day.

The 60-year-old director’s film traces a ” a whole community of characters from France’s working underclass, but at its centre is a father-daughter relationship.”

According to the TIFF website.

“[The protagonist]Lionel drives a train, a mind-numbing job, and his daughter Jo works in a Virgin Records store. The two find consolation in their bond: Jo is devoted to her father, and nothing gives her greater pleasure than to spend time with him. But she has caught the eye of a young taxi driver who starts to hang around, and she begins to feel gently pulled in two directions. Small moments follow in succession – drinking in bars, meeting up with friends, making nocturnal excursions to concerts. Meanwhile, Lionel has attracted the attention of a middle-aged woman, and several tentative encounters ensue. This general aimlessness is ruptured when Jo’s aspiring boyfriend decides to take a job overseas and move away. What his choice provokes is as surprising as it is cathartic, as father and daughter both realize that living – and loving – requires that they confront aspects of their past.”

A Variety review of the film says, “Denis’ signature sensitivity to music is beautifully demonstrated, not only with Tindersticks’ original compositions but also with songs heard on the radio or in the cafe, where the Commodores’ “Nightshift” envelops characters and audience in its warm, soulful sounds.”

Thanks again to Julien of Allocine for the head’s up.