'The Dark Knight': Script to Screen Comparison, Booooring!

We’re sorry to disappoint any of the people in hopes for a director’s cut of “The Dark Knight,” because it is most likely NOT going to happen. This is based on reading the script that has been floating around online the last week. While, it isn’t a carbon copy of what happened in the film excatly, it’s close and there really are only one or two small parts that are in the script that aren’t in the movie. One of those parts is Bruce Wayne jumping out of the small air plane into a body of water in Hong Kong. That is really all it is. The next scene is what happens to Heath Ledger’s Joker after ‘Batman’ and Rachel take a dive out of the penthouse window. The Joker and his thugs get into a car and drive away while the Joker says how he is going to eventually get Aaron Eckhart’s character because he is a man of his word [ed. ah, we were wondering what the hell happened there].

Reading the script helped us to understand some of the dialogue a little better as well (who the hell can understand Bale’s grunting?).

Another significant difference in the script is, many of the Joker’s lines in the film are different by a word or two from the script (wow, slight improv!). In our opinion, all of the minute changes were made for the better. We’re curious if they were done spur of the moment improvisation by Ledger or if it was a quick change by the film’s writer director, Christopher Nolan.

Other than multiple differences in the Joker’s quips, a few other lines were changed or removed, for example, the character of Reese talks about his family and kids in the original script, but they were not mentioned in the final product. Also, Gordon’s wife is given some cheesy dialogue to say to ‘Batman’ after she thinks her husband is dead. It was removed for good reason. But as you can tell all of this is minimal changes at best. The big chase scene in the middle of the film is taken directly from the script and there is an unintentionally funny description of the driver, who is Gordon, but we don’t know it because he is wearing a mask. The script describes him: “The Driver is all business.”

Only one scene was added not in the movie. After the Joker abducts the school bus filled with hospital hostages, he airs his own news cast with the local TV anchor, Mike Engel, played by Anthony Michael Hall, upside down reading off of not cards. In the original script, The Joker just does the newscast by himself.

Now, for the biggest question asked after the film ended, “Does Harvey “Two-Face” Dent die, or is he just unconscious?” [ed. if you couldn’t figure this out during the movie, you might want to just stick to Sly Stallone films from here on in] [SPOILERS AHEAD]
This is taken exactly from the script, exactly as it was written.
“Dent Lies at the bottom of the hole, his neck broken. DEAD.”
I guess that’s the end of all the talk about Two-Face being put in Arkam for the rest of eternity [ed. again, who the fuck thought that? retards?]. [END OF SPOILERS] Well, we guess all we can say is that the Nolan brothers got most of it right the first time.