Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Got a Tip?

Geriatric Indiana Jones Battles Aliens And Nazis For Last Sexagenarian ‘Crystal Skulls’ Hurrah?

We have to admit when the swelling John Williams “Indiana Jones” score began we got kind of excited and then the trailer progressed and we became more and more disinterested to the point of just shrugging and thinking there’s no real point to it all other than make some more money.

The inclusion of Shia Labeouf is pretty much akin to that moment every television sitcom has trying to pump new life into their sagging show and introducing a new, younger, cuter, funnier kid (see “Growing Pains,” “Diff’rent Strokes” et al). What we think won’t make the slightest dent on how gangbusters this is going to do at the box-office, but to those planning on spending their hard-earned money and time on this film, we wish you the best of luck.

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