Update: Spike Jonze Documentary About 'Wild Things' Author Maurice Sendak To Air On HBO October 14

Back in January, we uncovered — at the bottom of an interview with the the writer-directors of the new Sissy Spacek film, “Lake City,” Hunter Hill and Perry Moore — a small tidbit about Spike Jonze creating a documentary on “Where The Wild Things Are” author Maurice Sendak.

Hunter Hill and Perry Moore were producing, but we didn’t know deeper details and only presumed and hoped that Jonze himself was actually directing.

Details arrive from the lengthy New York Times article from yesterday.

Jonze did in fact direct (with video music director/filmmaker Lance Bangs) what is described as a “short” documentary and it will air on HBO. Titled, “Tell Them Anything You Want,” the doc airs October 14.

Timing is perfect, ‘Wild Thing’s hits theaters, October 16 and that month is a veritable ‘Wild Things’ campaign assault — that includes, soundtracks, video games, Dave Eggers novelizations of the movie, and coffee table photo books.

BTW, if you haven’t heard it yet, here’s our If I Were Spike Jonze Imaginary Soundtrack playlist we made last year. There’s also some new footage from ‘Wild Things’ at Empire, but we don’t think this is one of those films you want to spoil by watching too many advance clips, so be mindful of what’s out there in the upcoming weeks.