D.C. Comics' Unveils Host Of In-Development Projects, Tries Take Two On 'Flash' Adaptation

On the eve of Comic-C0n, news hits that DC Comics are seemingly jumping into the deep end with their comic book adaptations. Convenient timing. In addition to bringing on board a handful of producers to get their projects going, a host of project have been revealed in an announcement regarding their film slate.

Projects noted to be in development include a second stab at “The Flash” feature film; adaptations of “Adam Strange” and “Aquaman” through Leonardo DiCaprio’s production company, Appian Way; “Bizarro Superman” by “Galaxy Quest” scribes David Howard and Robert Gordon; a sequel to the Keanu Reeves led “Constantine;” two Green Arrow projects – the prison-break-tinged “Super Max” and an origin story; and “Shazam.”

That’s all good and well but with only the Batman franchise truly successfully under way, shouldn’t they be focusing on a few adaptations at a time? Or does D.C. all of a sudden think they’re Marvel? Remember when you jump into too fast and quick you end up with a bunch of “Daredevil” and “Ghost Rider” projects.

This it take two for “The Flash,” that was in development a year or two ago with none other than the new Green Lantern” star Ryan Reynolds. [THR]