Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Method Man Has A Problem With The Fight Between Batman & Ra’s Al Ghul In ‘Batman Begins’

nullIt was ten years this June since Christopher Nolan changed the comic book game with "Batman Begins." His straight-ahead, adult take on the material is just as responsible as Marvel‘s success for ushering in the comic book movie craze of the moment, and having it being treated as serious, major entertainment by the mainstream. That’s not to say there aren’t those who are critical of Nolan’s approach or his tinkering with the characters, and the latest interesting critique comes from the unlikeliest of places. 

Featuring in Adam Sandler‘s upcoming misfire, "The Cobbler," Method Man stopped by Rotten Tomatoes to discuss his favorite movies. In talking about "The Raid: Redemption," the Wu-Tang Clan rapper went on a bit of a digression about the overuse of shaky-cam, though he understands it helps hide the fact that sometimes an actor isn’t fit enough to do action sequences that can be filmed from a further distance. This then led to another digression about the battle sequences in Nolan’s first two Batman movies.

"The Batman movies, I give [Christopher] Nolan credit. He took it from where it left off with Joel Schumacher, the campy nipples-on-the-batsuit s–t and brought it back to what core Batman people love," Method Man said. "Now, mind you, Batman is a detective, so, you know, you want to see the detective work. You want to see him in the shadows. But when he’s fighting… That fight between him and Ra’s al Ghul, man, come on! We’re talking about two ninjas. I didn’t see a flip or nothing! Oh my god, are you serious? And that first scene in ‘The Dark Knight‘ when he busts Scarecrow and the criminals? Are you kidding me?"

I’m not quite sure what he means about "The Dark Knight" scene, but he’s right — there are no ninja flips in "Batman Begins." Let me know if you agree with Meth in the comments section.

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