Friday, March 7, 2025

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Rachel McAdams Officially Joins Marvel’s ‘Doctor Strange’ As The Female Lead

Rachel McAdams in "True Detective" Season 2Update: It’s all legit. After weeks of discussing it as a possibility McAdams has joined "Doctor Strange."

However you might feel about the second season of "True Detective," one fact is undeniable: Rachel McAdams is killing it. While many puzzled over the actress’ ability to play a hardened cop when she was first cast on the show, McAdams is proving her chops and then some on the HBO series. And this likely means filmmakers are looking at her in a whole new light, which is why I have a small piece of advice for McAdams if this rumor is true: don’t do it!

Heroic Hollywood is reporting that Rachel McAdams has been offered the female lead in "Doctor Strange" with Benedict Cumberbatch, Tilda Swinton, and Chiwetel Ejiofor, but no word yet on what that part may be. And certainly, the chance to work with any of those actors individually — or better yet, all together at once — is certainly intriguing. However, I bet there are even better opportunities that lay ahead for McAdams that don’t involve stepping into a McFranchise, even if Kevin Feige promises it’s going to be off the beaten path (as much as Marvel movies can be). 

"We send Ant-Man on a very weird, mind-bending journey at the end of ‘Ant-Man,’ " he told Birth Movies Death. "It was something we hadn’t seen in a shrinking movie before, but it also represents the tip of the mind-bending weirdness we’re going to do in ‘Strange,’ which I think will surprise people." 

"Doctor Strange" arrives on November 4, 2016.

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