Created by Graham Yost (“Justified,” “The Mandalorian“), the dystopian science fiction drama series, “Silo” starring Rebecca Ferguson, is returning for season two. Set in a near post-apocalyptic, ruined, and toxic future, “Silo” centers on thousands living in a giant silo deep underground. After its sheriff breaks a cardinal rule and residents die mysteriously, engineer Juliette (Ferguson) starts to uncover shocking secrets and the truth about the silo.
By all accounts, it’s a terrific show. Our review says that Ferguson “captivates in Apple TV+’s impressive, must-watch sci-fi mystery” (read our season one review).
READ MORE: Rebecca Ferguson Revisits ‘Silo’ & The Talks “Tricky Conversation” For ‘Dune: Messiah’
For season two, Yost continues to serve as showrunner, while executive producer Morten Tyldum (“Passengers,” “The Imitation Game”) will return to direct the first three episodes.
“Silo” stars Rebecca Ferguson, Common, Tim Robbins, Harriet Walter, Avi Nash, Rick Gomez, and Chinaza Uche also star. If you watched season one, you know Rashida Jones‘ Allison Becker and David Oyelowo’s Sheriff Holston met their fates and didn’t survive.
Silo is the story of the last ten thousand people on earth, their mile-deep home protecting them from the toxic and deadly world outside. However, no one knows when or why the silo was built and any who try to find out face fatal consequences. Rebecca Ferguson stars as Juliette, an engineer, who seeks answers about a loved one’s murder and tumbles onto a mystery that goes far deeper than she could have ever imagined, leading her to discover that if the lies don’t kill you, the truth will.
“Silo” returns to Apple TV+ on November 15.