Friday, February 7, 2025

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Stuff That White People Like That Kanye West Also Likes: ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ Models From Jim Henson’s Studio

Educated African-American rapper/aesthete Kanye West loves stuff that white people also love: Connect four, Daft Punk, Fiona Apple, hipster Al qaeda scarves, bearded indie comedians, Japanese cartoon art, brunch, incredibly wussy British singers, and naturally, anything related to hipster director Spike Jonze who directed ‘Ye’s last video – the very unhip-hop and artsy, clip for “Flashing Lights.

So it’s no huge surprise that West also loves Jim Henson’s Muppet studio. The rapper/African-American ambassador to white hipster culture recently stopped by the “creature shop” and took photos for his blog* – one of the shots being a key model of Jonze’s upcoming and much-discussed/heavily debated adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s “Where The Wild Things Are.”

Something to tide over the ravenous ‘Wild Things’ fans out there. Hopefully, this won’t cause anyone to call for the rape and bloodfeasting of any Warner Bros. exec’s first born child that happened to even toy with the idea of one additional ‘Wild Things’ shot not composed by the maestro Jonze.

Next up for Kanye is tennis with Dave Eggers which will lead to a foreword on West’s next record and a saki/bro-down with John Cusak, Marc Jacobs and Chan Marshall at Nobu.

*also quite beloved by white people.

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