'Terminator Salvation,' Next Tentpole To Be Bogged Down In Distracting Lawsuit

Does every geeky tentpole have to be saddled with a distracting lawsuit these days? First it got ugly with “Watchmen” between 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros. and now the producers of “Terminator Salvation,” are turning on one another. There is definite dissent in the ranks.

According to Variety, Moritz Borman has sued fellow producers Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek and their Halcyon Co. banner, alleging fraud and breach of contract for not paying him producing fees.”

Anne Thompson, who has interviewed some of the parties lays down the backstory, and basically its veteran producer against, newbies who sound like they’re in over their heads.”

“Call it rookie producer syndrome. New kids on the block raise money and enter the entertainment business. They buy up a hot property. They think they will make a killing. They bring in experienced people to help them. And something goes terribly wrong. Veteran producer Moritz Borman doesn’t just go and sue someone, long before a movie gets close to its opening date. I interviewed Anderson and Kubicek when production was just starting on ‘Terminator Salvation’. They were clearly excited newbies–who didn’t understand why rating a Terminator movie PG-13 might be big news.”

How will it affect the McG-directed picture itself? Well, since its an internecine battle it won’t for the most part aside from slightly negative press, but Warner Bros. must be thinking, “jesus what the fuck” and “whew” since it shouldn’t hurt their bottom line like “Watchmen” did. “Terminator Salvation” is due in on May 21 and could be the first big tentpole film of the summer if all goes well.