Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Andrew Jarecki’s ‘All Good Things’ With Ryan Gosling & Kirsten Dunst Moved To A Fall Release From Summer?

If you’re any kind of moviegoer, you probably know and love Andrew Jarecki’s chilling Academy Award-nominated documentary, “Capturing The Freidmans” about an upper-middleclass Jewish family in New York whose world was instantly transformed in the 1980s when the father and his youngest son are arrested and charged with shocking crimes of child molestation (the doc was originally scheduled to be about one of the family member’s clown career, but Jarecki’s investigation soon led to something much bigger and he switched focus).

So when, it was announced that Jarecki was making his feature-film narrative debut with the mystery/thriller romance picture, “All Good Things,” starring Ryan Gosling and Kirsten Dunst, we were more than mildly intrigued. However, the film seemed to sit on the shelf for a long time after it was completed. Notorious ’09 TWC money issues? Would it come out his year? We hoped so and included it in our Most Anticipated Films in 2009.

According to earlier last month Box-Office Mojo, the film finally was given a July 24 release date (IMDB and Wiki corroborate this date too), but curiously enough there’s still nothing on the Weinstein Company site. Here’s the official synopsis:

Ryan Gosling stars as a wealthy heir to a well-to-do family who gets wrapped up in a deadly mystery when a romantic interest of his (played by Kirsten Dunst) from a different rung on the social ladder disappears in this Groundswell Productions picture. Capturing the Friedmans’ Andrew Jarecki directs from a script he penned with Marcus Hinchey and Mark Smerling, with Frank Langella, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kristen Wiig and Philip Baker Hall co-starring.

So, coming out this summer or is TWC stalling once more? Less than two months away and no trailer? Hmmm, sounds like a no-go, right? And that seems to be the case according to a quiet NYPost blog piece from earlier last month. Apparently now TWC want to move the long-delayed picture into the fall. If the rumors of TWC’s monetary problems are true, you can bet July 24 is long off and fall is the earliest we’ll see it. It’s possible there could be even more delays. Stay tuned.

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