"Superman is a completely different character than Batman. So you can't in any way use the same template. But David Goyer had this, I thought, brilliant way to make Superman relatable and relevant for his audience," executive producer Christopher Nolan recently told us. "Zack [Snyder] has built on that and I think it's incredible what he's putting together." And after seeing this? We totally agree.
While the first Terrence Malick-esque teasers made us wonder if that was just some marketing or indicative of the tonal approach being taken, the first full trailer for "Man Of Steel" reveals it is very much an ingredient. This is probably the most serious incarnation the character has ever had, and while it is not one of "The Dark Knight" films, it bears the same stamp of thematic maturity. Most compelling of all, it suggests that the God-like powers Clark Kent has shouldn't necessarily be used to interfere in life or death situations. "Maybe," Pa Kent says, when Clark asks if he shouldn't have saved the schoolbus full of kids, and shoudl have let them die instead.
Operatic and looking pretty fucking epic in scope, we're sold. "Man Of Steel" hits on June 14, 2013. [ComingSoon]