Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Rutger Hauer Thinks Christopher Nolan Should Make New ‘Blade Runner’ Film

Usually when a studio announces it’s digging through its archives to prequelize/sequelize/reboot its valuable properties, fans cry foul. But with certain studios taking a little more care these days with the creative teams behind those spinoffs, it’s getting harder to tell the difference between a simple cash grab and genuine artistic endeavour. With Ridley Scott taking the helm of the prequel to his own classic “Alien” and lining up a pretty stellar cast, we’re as hopeful as anyone that he can pull it off. And since the recent announcement that the rights had been secured for Scott’s other sci-fi masterpiece “Blade Runner,” fans of the cult film have wondered who might end up taking the reins. Just a few weeks ago the company who secured the rights, Alcon Entertainment, said they hadn’t met with Scott yet, but the idea of him returning to the series would be “wonderful.”

Scott even mentioned he thought there was potential for a sequel during press for the films 2007 “Final Cut” DVD release. “I think there could be a sequel to [Blade Runner]. There is clearly a story in the sequel. It probably keys off with Edward James Olmos’ line when he says ‘It’s a pity she won’t live. But then who does.’ And of course I think they’re both [Deckard and Rachael] replicants, so that’s a pretty good starting block for us.” Hero Complex caught up with Rutger Hauer, antagonist Roy Batty in the original film, doing press for his latest, “Hobo With A Shotgun” and asked what he thought about the possibility of future installments of the now-classic film.

The 67 year old actor said, “If Christopher Nolan would be on it I’d say, ‘All right, go for it!’ But otherwise you can’t do it. ‘Blade Runner’ is such a unique film. How do you describe a diamond? I don’t think you should ever touch it again.” Though it’s definitely a long shot, especially with Nolan’s schedule currently loaded with “The Dark Knight Rises” and his Howard Hughes biopic, it is a fascinating idea. Hauer starred in “Batman Begins” for Nolan who has already professed his love for “Blade Runner” and stated its influence on his work, particularly last summer’s mindbender “Inception.”

The director told EW back in 2002, ”You’d love to say it was Nicholas Ray or Kurosawa that really influenced you, but for someone my age, that’s a lie. I’m one of those guys who saw Blade Runner 200 times. Orson Welles just doesn’t compare to that.” And in a recent talk with Guillermo del Toro he elaborated on how the film’s ambiguity has influenced his work. “I was so struck by ‘Blade Runner’ when I saw it and when I look at this film again, I think there’s so much concern with memory and identity that I carry over from that film, because it just made such an incredible impression on me. This is why I don’t answer questions about my own films, is because Ridley Scott has said, he thinks that Deckard is a replica, so you’re not really free [to come up with your own interpretation]. I’m not going to argue with him, he should know.”

The producers have already named Nolan as a “pie in the sky” choice so while they realize that it’s not likely it is fun to dream. But “Blade Runner” has been so influential for a generation of filmmakers, we could probably think of someone who might be interested in the job should Nolan pass on the opportunity.

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