Known for 2003’s “Evil” and the movie adaptation of Stephen King’s short story “1408,” Swedish filmmaker Mikael Håfström follows up 2023’s “Stockholm Bloodbath,” with his new sci-fi film “Slingshot.” The film stars the notable pair of Laurence Fishburne and Casey Affleck, two famous actors who have never been paired up together like this before.
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“Slingshot” centers on an astronaut who struggles to maintain his grip on reality aboard a possibly fatally compromised mission to Saturn’s moon, Titan. While we’ve seen this plot before, in everything from Andrei Tarkovsky’s “Solaris” to James Gray’s “Ad Astra,” where the astronaut’s lonely time in space frays their sense of self and sanity, and everything goes wrong, Affleck and Fishburne an inspired pair, and the new trailer looks intriguing.
Affleck also returns this summer with another lead role in the upcoming 2024 flick, “The Instigators,” co-starring his longtime pal Matt Damon for Apple.
Here’s the simple synopsis:
Slingshot follows an astronaut who struggles to maintain his grip on reality aboard a possibly fatally compromised mission to Saturn’s moon, Titan.
Beyond Affleck and Fishburne, “Slingshot” stars Emily Beecham, Tomer Capone, David Morrissey, and Mark Ebulué. “Slingshot” is directed by the aforementioned Håfström and written by R. Scott Adams and Nathan Parker.
“Slingshot” arrives in theaters on August 23 via Bleeker Street Films. Watch the new trailer below.