The last time a "Saturday Night Live" movie parody went viral was probably Jonah Hill‘s riff on Spike Jonze‘s "Her" from earlier this year. However, Korea’s version of the skit show has a killer parody of “Interstellar” that has been making the rounds online, and it turns Nolan’s devastating space opera into a clever sex farce.
Not unlike Nolan’s movie, two astronauts visit a planet where each hour they spend is equivalent to seven years on earth. They agree it’s a better idea than hanging out with Anne Hathaway. After they survive their mission they board their space ship and make a few surprising discoveries about their families after watching the 20 years of video messages they received during their absence. It’s not exactly subtle and is perhaps even juvenile, but it does underscore some of the more simplistic emotional beats of Nolan’s flick.
Watch below and let us know — funny? Not funny?