Tripping Over 'Mandy': The Insane(ly) Awesome New Nicolas Cage Movie You Should Be Dying To See [AYT Podcast]

We can’t stress it enough, you really should go see this movie. On this episode of Adjust Your Tracking, Joe and I do what we love doing most on the podcast, gush our little movie nerd hearts out over a new film. We devote this whole episode to “Mandy,” an insanely enjoyable witches brew of pure genre exorcise mixed with arthouse moods and pretensions. It’s equal parts revenge narrative, love story, psychedelic drug movie and brooding dark fantasy with movie touchstones like “Mad Max,” “Hellraiser” and 1981’s animated “Heavy Metal” (and damn if this isn’t just flat-out METAL in every sense of the word).

READ MORE: Nicolas Cage Gives The Performance Of A Lifetime In Bizarre & Bloody ‘Mandy’ [Sundance Review]

But most impressive, even beyond the impressive direction and world-building from Panos Cosmatos (“Beyond The Black Rainbow“) is the lead performance from Nicolas Cage that’s almost too good for awards (not that it will ever attract the Academy and that’s just fine). This is a movie pretty much made for our sensibilities, and boy, does it deliver. (Check out The Playlist Sundance review here.)

Cage has become a punching bag for most of the modern moviegoing audience. Of late, he’s often seen on the covers of awful-looking, straight-to-VOD shlock. But occasionally, he still surprises and shows up in something worthwhile. “Mandy” most likely won’t garner the audience it deserves, but this is a reminder of what a gift of an actor he can be when given material worthy of his bizarre talents. And so, we discuss. Hope you enjoy!

‘Mandy’ Trailer: Nicolas Cage Brings His Well-Known Energy To Perhaps His Best Performance Yet

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