I'M IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTION! We thought it was dead, we thought it would never happen and were content to watch our well worn DVDs until the laser in our players burned right through the disc. But impossibly, improbably, Paramount has seen the light shining from a whale's vagina, and has put "Anchorman 2" back in motion.
We're not going to use our dirty whorish mouth to recount the whole saga all over again, but the short version is that in the summer of 2010, Will Ferrell and director/producing partner Adam McKay tried to get the movie set up for a 2011 shoot, only to get turned down by studio suits — like a used diaper filled with Indian food — over budget issues. But we guess they worked it all out — or perhaps execs heard the cries from the jazz flutes of the legion of fans — but it's back on. I LOVE LAMP! McKay and Ferrell will pair on the script with the former to direct, and so far confirmed to return are Brick Tamland (Steve Carell) and Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd).
No plot details yet, but we presume they're still pitching the same concept from two years ago, which would have been a musical (and at one point McKay said they even wanted to do a test run of the material on Broadway — fingers crossed for that). But fuck, the fact that this thing is back and running again makes us want to get married on top of a mountain with flutes playing and trombones and flowers and garlands of fresh herbs. And we will dance till the sun rises.
Will Ferrell will make an announcement on "Conan" tonight, but you can have three fingers of Glenlivet and watch it below right now. [via Deadline]