It seems Michael Bay and the media aren’t having the best relationship at the moment. Yesterday, he squashed the supposed beef he had with Guillermo Del Toro, blaming the media for taking his quotes out of context and spinning a narrative around them. And d’oh! It’s happened again!
You might recall that Bay also recently shared his candid thoughts about “Armageddon” and lest we upset Bay, here’s the exact quote: “I will apologize for ‘Armageddon,’ because we had to do the whole movie in 16 weeks. It was a massive undertaking. That was not fair to the movie. I would redo the entire third act if I could. But the studio literally took the movie away from us. It was terrible. My visual effects supervisor had a nervous breakdown, so I had to be in charge of that. I called James Cameron and asked ‘What do you do when you’re doing all the effects yourself?’ But the movie did fine.” But once again, Bay believes he’s been taken advantage of.
Hitting Shoot For The Edit, his official forums, Bay reacted to the story that made its way around the internet and said it was yet again the pushy media who put words in his mouth. (Again, reference the exact quote). And he wants to make it clear, he’s happy with his asteroid destroying movie.
One press writer has gone too far in reporting false information. He has printed the bare minimum of my statement which in effect have twisted my words and meaning. I’m not in the slightest going to apologize for the third movie in my movie career, a film called Armageddon. On the red carpet for Pain & Gain some reporters asked me what are you apologizing for, and I said what on earth are you talking about?
What I clearly said to the reporter, is I wish I had more time to edit the film, specifcally the the third act. He asked me in effect what would you change if you could in your movies if you could go back. I said, I wish we had a few more weeks in the edit room on Armageddon. And still today Armageddon, is still one of the most shown movies on cable TV. And yes, I’m proud of the movie. Enough said.
Well, we won’t deny it’s cable omnipresence and hopefully Bay and media can play nice from here on out, and won’t force Bay to say things that he said.