Panned Madonna Film Heading Straight To Video Download?

So Madonna just unveiled her directorial debut “Filth & Wisdom,” at the recent Berlin Film Festival and the film was severely roasted by critics, right?

Does a recent quote over at Variety suggest that Madonna now realizes her chances for actual theatrical distribution are slim to none and instead wants to release the film via Itunes? (good spot Cinematical)

“I’ve been speaking to iTunes about releasing it through them,” Madge told Variety. “I want the most amount of people to see it as possible. … I don’t like to do anything conventionally.”

You’ve got to love that last little euphemism/ bit of damage control quote. Her poor ego. Yeah, it’s not the lambasting reviews, its that need to do it different, suuuuuuure.

The UK Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw gave the 81-minute film one star and said, “Madonna has been a terrible actor in many, many films and now — fiercely aspirational as ever — she has graduated to being a terrible director,” he wrote. “She has made a movie so incredibly bad that Berlin festivalgoers were staggering around yesterday in a state of clinical shock.”

Time will tell what, if anything, happens with “Filth & Wisdom,” but don’t be surprised when Apple’s selling it for 99 cents.