Trailer: David Fincher's 'The Curious Case of Benjammin Button', OK, But It's In Spanish...

David Fincher’s “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” is one of the most highly anticipated films of the year and has already been tagged by many as serious Oscar-bait for 2008. Starring Brad Pitt as an old man who physically ages backwards, the film is due December 18. Pitt’s character fall in love with a 30-year-old woman (Cate Blanchett) and then must come to terms with the relationship as they literally grow in opposite directions. The film has been wrapped for some time now and the special effects for Pitt to convincingly age backwards were being worked on for months.

The trailer’s in Español, but hey, it’s something. Some people are already making crazy proclamations over the film having just seen the trailer. Ahh, kids.