Zac Efron Said No To 'Footloose' Remake To Avoid Typecasting

Because you really, really, really wanted to know why the “17 Again” heartthrob chose not to appear in the upcoming reboot of the ’80s teen angst/dance classic.

“I’m sure ‘Footloose’ would have been a huge challenge,” Zac Efron told EW, “but the actors that I love and the actors that work really hard in this industry are always shaking things up, trying new genres, acquiring new skill sets. That’s what’s always going to appeal to me: the unknown.”

Has he been spending too much time with Judd Apatow and Gus Van Sant? Is Zac Efron the next River Phoenix? You scoff, but it seems like he has big aspirations and both aforementioned directors have said he’s a super nice guy (and therefore maybe ok to work with? Time will tell…)