Ex-Jesus Lizard Singer Goes To The Movies

A recent Time Out New York profile of ex-Jesus Lizard singer David Yow is meant to note the disappeared howler/schlong displaying enthusiast’s return to the skronky noise-rock world with the band Qui.

However, right off the bat it yields this interesting film-related tidbit: Apparently Yow’s gone Sundance.

“I met this guy Dennis Hauk a few months ago, and he liked listening to the crap I’ve done in the past and asked if I’d be in his movie. It’s a short film—a spaghetti Western kind of thing—and he’s going to try to get it into Sundance and all those kind of festivals. I play a con man who’s posing as a preacher, and I get to torture a man to death and I die at the end. I think everybody in the movie except for a little boy and the sheriff dies at the end.”

There goes the plot, but there you go, David Yow: onstage exhibitionist, now turned indie thespian. [ed. If this was Pitchfork we’d write, “Now we’ve seen eeeeeeveryything! Hooray for indie music!”]

Watch: Jesus Lizard – “Seasick” (Live in Dallas, 1994)